Suru Valley, Ladakh
                                   A powerful tributary of the Indus River

The suru valley is one of the most beautiful fertile valley of the region with its own unique culture and a rather recent addition for the tourism of jammu and Kashmir.

Suru Valley extends from Kargil in the south towars Kargil Zanskar for a length of 85 kms. The valley is famous for Nun (7137 mtrs) and Kun (7035 mtrs) peaks. The suru valley forms the main stay of Kargil district. Suru valley nestled along the north-eastern foot hills of the Great Himalayan Wall. It extends from kargil for a length of 75kms up to the expanse around Panikhar.

The hills of Suru Valley are cultivated intensively than anywhere else in Ladakh. The Nun Kun peaks offer an excellent combination of alpine slops, ridges, glacial formations and majestic peaks for adventure lovers. The valley is dotted with picturesque human settlements and lush green fields and colourful range of flowers. The valley is especially picturesque in spring when apricots, mulberry, apples trees are in full bloom and in autumn when the tress are full of fruits. 

The population of valley is 35000 souls mainly of Dard Descent are Muslims who converted their Buddhist religion in the middle of 16th century. The winter is extreme and heavy snowfalls are normal but the conditions in suru valley don’t become as adverse as in Drass valley.
